It's going to get interesting. Keep an eye out.

For those of you who have subscribed to my blog; you know that I don't post unless I see updates, trends, news, etc... happening. Well, here it is; 11 August 2013; Sunday; at approximately 11:00pm EST in the United States, which means that European markets are NOT TRADING yet. However, the asian world is awake. And they understand something is happening. Silver went up almost 3% on Friday, and here it is, before the European and USA markets open, and Silver is already trading at $21.12 an ounce. That's about a $0.70 rise in the last few hours.

But what I want you all to watch for, isn't that the price of silver is going up. I knew that was going to happen. What I want you to keep an eye out for, is what happens once the European and USA markets open. I've mentioned before that I believe silver and gold prices are being "STRONGLY" manipulated. I believe we'll see some up side on Monday, but I don't think that the price of silver will stay at $21.12. Unless China and Japan do or report something very radical, I expect the price of silver to be up, but probably close to $20.50 - $20.70. If it's below Friday's high of $20.44, then the Cartel is getting really scared an the banks and governments are doing everything they can to show their currencies as strong and commodities like silver and gold as a weak choice to invest in.

Personally, I don't really care if it goes up a lot or a little. I am in silver for pretty much a "Long Ride". Matter of fact; barring a total equities/stock market and currency melt down, I definitely don't want a very fast rise in the silver/gold market. I wouldn't mind a $0.20 - $0.40 a day rise. That would be a $1 - $2 a week rise. Even that is a bit too high. It would get us where silver SHOULD BE. (Approximately $80 an ounce). The problem is; there's still a lot of "PAPER SILVER" investors out there. And if the prices rise too quickly, they will sell quickly to try and get a profit. But in time, people will smarten up and realize: "If you can't HOLD the silver and/or gold; then it DOESN'T EXIST!!!". Eventually, the paper silver/gold holders will be out of business. Then, the banks will no longer have manipulation power. Basically, they won't be able to fix the price on something they don't physically own.

But that's why I'm updating the blog today. Not because silver has gone up $0.70 on a Sunday evening, with Asia barely awake; but because it's up high enough that you'll be able to watch it from here on out. If you pay close attention, you'll see the manipulation that will occur. Basically, you'll see major ups and major downs. Just some info for you to keep you eye on the spot price for the next week.

Remember; most people who buy silver/gold, do so because currencies, like the dollar, are going down. Also; when equities, like the stock market look like they are in trouble, people buy silver/gold. The United States Government and the big banks, will do everything in their power to keep the Stock market moving and for there to be confidence in the dollar; and thus, confidence in the US Government. Do you all remember the 2008-2009 crash??? Silver is at today, the SAME PRICE it was at in the July 2009 - Jan 2010 time frame. That's also when the Dow Jones was UNDER 7000. Today, the dow is over 15,000. If the economy was TRULY STRONG and the Dollar was TRULY STRONG, and the Dow was accurate at 15,000; then silver SHOULD be at the $10 an ounce mark. But the US economy and dollar are NOT strong. The federal reserve is printing money and putting the US further in debt. Especially with unemployment at 7.4%. Right before the stock crash of 2008-2009, unemployment was only 4% in the USA.

So; with silver and gold refusing to be bullied, that shows that the stock market is "ARTIFICIALLY" high; and silver and gold prices are being suppressed down. If Obama and some of the other leaders would have ALLOWED the economies to go through their NORMAL ups and downs, we wouldn't be where we are today. The market would be at around 10,000. Unemployment in the USA would be back to around 5%. Silver would be at around $60. and gold at $1700. (Gold and silver ration would be at around 30-1 and going towards the norm of 16 to 20:1 area. The dollar, Yen, and Euro would be closer to equal trading values. But as usual, politics and big money has gotten in the way.

Fortunately, the one good thing about commodities, is: "You can TOUCH THEM". Eventually, people will stop buying Paper Silver/gold. They'll either buy mining stock or physical silver/gold. Once the separation happens, the prices will start screaming upward. (Where they SHOULD BE when you consider inflation.)

Anyway; keep an eye on the fluctuation this week. Steady up, "Or even stead down", can be rationalized as a normal shift. But drastic up or downs means someone is intentionally manipulating. I said it's going to get interesting. I believe it will. I just want to see how much manipulation can be done. If the silver market stays above $21.00 at the end of this coming week, the banks and government may be seeing their power starting to slip. If people are buying physical silver/gold and aren't selling it.... And the paper silver/gold owners can't get physical to replace the paper; (Because there's MANY MORE OUNCES of paper than there is silver to back it.... Ask Germany how they like waiting 7 years to get their gold from the Fed in New York); then this investors will have to take DOLLARS for the paper silver/gold they sell. Anyway; it will get interesting. The banks and governments still have a lot of power they can wheel around. I know that eventually they won't be able to affect the silver/gold prices because it will only be physical. But it's going to be fun watching. Have fun. CYA:SE


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