Are you buying silver/gold, or listening to the "Investment pros"?

Listen my brothers and sisters. Wall Street, Central Banks, and even governments are getting nervous. They know that their "Quantitative Easing" is not working. The money they've flooded into the economy, never made it past the banks and big corporations. This money wasn't used to hire people and spark the economy. It was used to "Buy Back" stocks. Basically, all this money was used as interest free loans to companies. And those companies used this money to reduce their debt, so they would appear stronger and more appealing to "Equity Investors". (The Stock Market).

But what about our country's "UNEMPLOYMENT RATE of 5.1%? Isn't that proof of an improving economy"? Sorry folks, but that is the biggest lie of them all. The government is simply looking at EMPLOYMENT vs people who apply for Un-Employment. What they aren't telling you is 2 very important points.

1) Many of the "EMPLOYED" are "Under-Employed". What this means is; they had a better job before getting laid off, then they got a lower paying job when they finally got back into the work force. The problem is, many of these people went from say a $50,000 a year FULL TIME job, to a $25,000 a year part time job. Or a $30,000 full time job. Or, they went from a $60,000 a year full time job to 2 Part Time Jobs equaling $35,000 per year.

2. Many of those who lost their jobs, then ran out of receiving unemployment, decided to no longer look for a job. But, because they aren't receiving unemployment, the government pretends they aren't UNEMPLOYED. See, there's a difference between being EMPLOYED and NOT being UNEMPLOYED. You've heard the term "Labor Participation Rate". That's what we're talking about. Basically, of all the people who lost their jobs during this recession starting in 2008/9, less people are working today. That's because many of those who became unemployed, STOPPED LOOKING for a job. Some, because they decided to go back to school. Maybe they were the 2nd income of a family and they are staying home to raise kids. The point is, this wasn't by choice. They couldn't find a replacement job, they ran out of unemployment insurance, and they decided to find other options. So while the unemployment rate might be advertised at 5.1%, the real unemployment rate is closer to 9%.

So, what does this have to do with silver and gold? The government, wall street, central banks, etc. are using this information of lowering unemployment (False numbers), record high stock market (No corporate expansion, companies used QE money to reduce debt and get people to invest in the market), to make you believe that our economy is on a great rebound. It's all a bunch of BULL SHIT. This is why the government hasn't raised interest rates. This is why you can't get over 1% on a savings account. This is why the government and central banks are discussing having NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES. Because everything they've been doing has failed.

They are really pushing for people to keep their money in the stock market. The average person with a 401K or IRA will leave theirs in. They don't know what to do. But the "BIG MONEY" is going to pull out. They will tell you that investing in silver and gold is a bad move. That silver and gold hasn't made any appreciable interest over the long term. They will continue to COMPARE silver and gold to their STOCKS, to the DOLLAR, and to their BONDS. They will convince a lot of people that silver and gold is a "BAD INVESTMENT".

Well guess what???? NONE of us, ever said it was an "INVESTMENT". Silver and Gold is PROTECTION. It's INSURANCE. But wait...... I just read an article that said that silver and gold wasn't a good "STORE OF WEALTH". They will tell you anything they can, to get you to NOT BUY SILVER AND GOLD. It's real simple. Every dollar CONVERTED to Silver or Gold, is a dollar that ISN'T circulating through their economy. It's a dollar that isn't in the banks. It's a dollar that the government has absolutely NO CONTROL OVER!!!

The truth is, they aren't worried too much about us "STACKERS". We're like LESS than 2% of the population, and we don't control that much silver and gold. But, there are a few of the "INVESTORS", who are buying SLV and other PAPER SILVER and GOLD. There's also large companies and countries who are buying up a lot of gold and silver. When the "INVESTING" community, AKA Wall Street, speaks, they have to try and be consistent. They can't say something is bad for the individual, while promoting it for themselves and the big corporate class.

The thing is, if you don't put your money in the stock market or bond market, via a 401K, IRA, Mutual Fund, or individual stock/bond, then your only other choices are: Cash (Bank or at home), silver/gold, real estate, or spend it. This is where it get's interesting. What the government and central banks want, if for your SAVINGS to be in the Market. Stocks and Bonds. They want the REST of your liquid cash, to BE SPENT!!! Even to the point of taking on CREDIT. E.g. Use credit cards and make monthly payments, get a mortgage, etc. They NEED you to be in debt.

Unfortunately, many people are starting to wise up. They see that things aren't that good, and a real crash is coming. Many, instead of a stock or bond market, they're taking what they would have put in there, and is using it to REDUCE DEBT!!! They are paying OFF the credit cards. They are paying OFF the car loan. They are refinancing and paying DOWN their mortgage. This is NOT what the central banks and government want. That doesn't spur an economy. Unfortunately, the government won't do what it takes to improve an economy. And that's to get CORPORATIONS to EXPAND. That means hiring new people. REAL JOB GROWTH. But they can't do that, because they used all the QE Money for the corporation to BUY BACK their stocks. Many investors base their investments on a company's P/E Ratio and Debt. When the debt is low, (Because they bought back their stock with INTEREST FREE MONEY), it makes the company look better.

So, all they can do now, is LIE. You know how it is. If you lie about something, and you don't admit it, then you have to continue lying to protect the previous lies. Silver and Gold scares the hell out of the corporates, the central banks, and the government. Even though THEY have a lot of it. This is also why they are pushing so hard for a CASHLESS SOCIETY. If you don't have your wealth in their banks, stock market, bonds, mutual funds, etc. then THEY have NO CONTROL over it. You can do anything you want with it. Silver and gold scare them even more than you having your cash outside of their banks and market. Silver and gold have no borders. If the dollar is weak, people may not take your dollars; or they'll want a lot more of them. But silver and gold will and can be used internationally. It would instantly become a replacement currency if there were a major economic crash. And the problem is....... the GOVERNMENT and Central Banks, would have absolutely NO CONTROL over it. And the government wouldn't even be able to outlaw it. The UNDERGROUND economy would take care of it with no problem. See, in the 1930's the people TRUSTED THE GOVERNMENT. They willingly turned in their gold. Today..... The people DON'T TRUST THE GOVERNMENT. Those with the silver and gold, will simply keep it to themselves and use it in the underground economy.

You've seen the price of silver rise about 10% in the last couple of weeks. You've seen gold rise more than 8%. Not saying that they will continue to rise and never have any down spikes; but I do believe that UP is the direction. I've been buying on a regular basis between 2012 and 2015. With highs around $37 an ounce for silver, and lows around $16 (With premiums); my AVERAGE price for silver is around $21.50. Do you think I'll have any problem at least breaking even? No, no  problem at all. But if you haven't bought any yet, you better get on it. Because once the price starts a continuous rise, it won't be that you can't AFFORD it..... the problem will be, you CAN'T FIND IT!!! The stackers WON'T be selling. The buyers will be buying as much as they. The problem will be, you simply won't be able to find any. So, if you're going to buy silver and gold, you really need to do it now. STOP THINKING OF THIS AS AN INVESTMENT!!! Stop thinking you have to wait and BUY LOW - SELL HIGH. If you think that way, then PLEASE go to another website and stop reading my blog. Silver and gold are NOT INVESTMENTS!!! Don't care how much it is. What matters is that you actually HAVE SOME!!!

Remember the basic rules of order:

1. BECOME DEBT FREE!!! This is your BEST investment. Get out of the credit card monthly payments. Get rid of the car loans. Pay off the house as soon as reasonably possible. Think about it. Even if you lost your job. If you had no debt, no car payments, no mortgage, etc. All you NEEDED, was money for food and utilities; you could do that with a minimum wage job and do just fine. You won't lose your house.

2. PROTECT YOUR WEALTH!!! If you are an average family, with normal debt, (Meaning mortgage and maybe a single car loan), then you should have about 500 ounces of silver and about 5 ounces of gold. This will be the insurance you need to protect you during a major inflation problem, temporary loss of your job, etc. It will tie you over for about 3-5 years by supplementing your income. If you have more wealth, or a lot more debt, then either do #1 above, or have about 1000 ounces of silver and 10 ounces of gold.

3. PHYSICAL SILVER/GOLD ONLY!!! This is a No-Brainer. if you can't Physically Touch your silver and gold, 24/7, then you DON'T OWN IT!!! I say 24/7, because this includes NOT storing it in a Safety deposit box either. NO PAPER SILVER/GOLD, and you MUST STORE IT YOURSELF. Look at the banks in europe, greece, etc. They shut down and didn't let people withdraw. Including safety deposit boxed. Don't think that can't happen here. And if the bank/government find 100-500 ounces of silver/gold in a safety deposit box, they WILL TAKE IT. Matter of fact, many banks now make it clear, that you CAN'T STORE Cash or Precious Metals in their safety deposit boxes.

If you don't have any silver or gold, BUY IT NOW!!! Don't worry about the price. That's what INVESTORS do. We are buying INSURANCE. Insurance that if we don't use it, we GET OUR PREMIUMS BACK. Do it now. Take care:



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