BEWARE of what you read concerning Silver and Gold

Hey friends. I've been in a couple of conversations with readers and friends recently. One of the things I've noticed when talking about silver and gold; and the world economy; is how some of these readers and friends start quoting things they've read. Especially articles and topics about how you SHOULDN'T buy silver and gold. Or a recent article on MarketWatch titled: "Gold has no business being this expensive".

Just as I've said that I don't want anyone to believe me or my blog 100%. I want you to let me "Stimulate" your mind, and then hopefully you'll do some research on your own and come up with an opinion or position that you believe in. The same goes with ANYTHING you read. The most difficult thing to deal with, are sources that seem to be the "Experts". It's difficult to argue or disagree with what they have to say. You want to trust them because you believe they are the experts.

The important thing to realize is: "What are the motives of the person writing the article"? MarketWatch, while a great source for gathering today's information about the economy, commodities, equities, etc. is made up of numerous independent writers when it comes to their opinions and articles. MarketWatch simply reposts a lot of what they find. MarketWatch does have many of their own Columnists also. Such as Mark Hulber who wrote the article I mentioned above about gold and how it is OVER PRICED. Basically, take what you read with a grain of salt. Then research more. When you get a consensus of something many agree on, you're probably onto something.

You have to realize something that is VERY IMPORTANT. Stocks, bonds, treasuries, funds, and even currencies, are in DIRECT COMPETITION with Silver and Gold. Silver and Gold are the hedge in a BEAR Market. They are also the hedge during inflation and currency deflation. What does this mean? SIMPLE!!!! If the writer, columnist, podcaster, or whomever you are reading or listening to, is involved heavily with the stock market, bonds, cash, mutual funds, etc. then they DON'T WANT YOU BUYING SILVER AND GOLD!!! That is in direct competition with them. They are always biased AGAINST silver and gold.

You should however not just rely on people like myself or others who report the health or silver and gold, and our opinions on whether to buy or sell. You should be interested in the market, currencies, bonds, etc. also. I've always said that you should be well diversified in your finances. I've also said a million times that silver and gold are NOT INVESTMENTS!!! Some use it for that; and in that case probably like reports they read. But for my audience on this blog and my website, we buy silver and gold to reduce debt, purchase items at a discount, protect our wealth during inflation, supplement our future retirement income, and also to protect us in a SHTF economic armageddon. And most of the writers, if you find them associate with ANY Website, Blog, etc. that is associated with the stock market, bonds, bills, currencies, etc. are going to be biased AGAINST Silver and Gold. Again, they don't want us taking our money out of their stocks and funds and buying silver and gold. Why would they recommend anything positive for silver and gold. The sad part is; most of these individuals believe they are unbiased and reporting facts. Sorry, but that's just not possible. Everything has risk. If you look at the negatives of something, even if it's a small percentage outweighed by the positives; if you are biased against it, you will exaggerate those negatives.

Anyway; all I'm saying, is that you need to not make your decisions and financial investments, based solely on reports, articles, etc. that you happen to like or dislike. You need to take the information you receive, research it to find out if there's a consensus. And to determine the motives of the person who presented the article or report. TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR OWN FINANCES.



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