The future of Silver:

So, I've let things stay quiet for a couple of days. I wanted to relax over the weekend and see if nature would take it's course with our precious metals. Well, it looks like the future could get interesting. Especially for the price of silver.

It is my belief that certain banks/financial institutes, as well as the countries of China and the United States has been intentionally manipulating the price of silver, in order to hold it down. The thing is however, I believe that each of them are doing so for different reasons. But in the end, it's going to be a whirlwind for those who are invested in silver.

See; I believe the United States needs silver and gold to stay low, because it's inversely proportionate to the dollar. "Especially with the dollar being the world reserve". If the price of silver and gold are allowed to go up dramatically, that indicates that it's a safer place to put wealth than in the U.S. Dollar. So, if silver and gold are low, then investors will put their wealth in bonds, treasuries, etc... keeping the dollar to appear strong. And with the Euro, Yen, and other currencies also in trouble, keeping the dollar looking strong doesn't take a lot of manipulation.

China on the other hand appears to be trying to strengthen their currency and economy by backing it with tangibles. Silver and gold being some of them. With the price of silver and gold suppressed, China can buy MORE of it. And they are definitely buying.

Banks/financial institutes want silver/gold to be suppressed, because they prefer investments to be in traditional stocks, bonds, etc... Main reason being, most "PAPER SILVER/GOLD" investments are a lie. What I mean is, there is no where near enough physical silver and gold available to back up the silver and gold ETF's and shares that are out there. "This is why I always tell those interested in buying silver/gold; if you don't have the silver/gold in your physical possession, then you don't REALLY OWN IT".

Don't believe me? Germany recently told the United States that they want their gold, which they store a large portion of at the Fed in New York and some in Fort Know, to be returned so they can take it back and store it in Germany. Well, because of loop holes, the United States is actually allowed to "LOAN" out gold that they hold. Even gold held for others. The fed basically admitted; "We don't have your gold here to give back to you". They have arranged to give Germany their gold back;...... BUT....... over a 7 year period.

Now; take all this information, and look at the other side of the coin. "No pun intended". The U.S. Mint recently halted producing 2013 American Silver Eagles. Why? Simple. They admitted that they had "RUN ON OF SILVER" to make more. They would take almost 2 weeks off, and start production again around January 28th. Apple Computers just said that their NEWEST iMac is ON HOLD, because there isn't enough silver for their plants in China to build the computers. They are waiting for some to be shipped in.

I am not going to predict the future price of Silver. I've stated that I believe it will hit the $50-$60 range by summer. I wouldn't be surprised if it skyrockets beyond that in the near future. But the fact is: Demand is going up. Supply is going down. And the United States, China, Banks, Financial Institutions, "The Cartel", is NOT going to be able to keep the price suppressed for much longer. Anyway; get ready for a ride. CYA: SE.


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