Questions and Answers about silver:

I am quoting from . By Bix Weir, February 15th, 2013. These 4 Questions and Answers about silver should help you to understand silver and the market, much more clearly. Does the answer to these questions mean you shouldn't invest in Silver? Not at all. But once you understand WHY silver does what it does, you can use this to your advantage. This is why I buy silver to reduce debt or to buy items at a discount. I don't buy silver because of a total economic crash or for my retirement. I use "FIAT" currency, to buy silver, (That I can sit on for a long time if necessary), so I can sell it for a major gain, for more "FIAT" currency, so I can spend that Fiat currency on "THINGS" I want to buy or to reduce debt. Because in the end, your bank, grocery store, doctor, car repair shop, etc... isn't going to take silver as payment for goods and services. Eventually, you need the "FIAT" currency.

QUESTION #1: Is the Silver market rigged?
ANSWER: YES. Everyday and every trade the silver market is “controlled” and has been for at least the last 40 years. NOBODY knows the true Fair Market Value of silver anymore so all prices for silver are currently irrelevant.
QUESTION #2: How is it done?
ANSWER: The silver market rigging is accomplished by running computer market trading programs to “steer” the price of silver up and down flushing out weak hands on the price slams and covering short positions that were previously put in place to cap the rising price. These silver “trades” have little to do with physical silver but everything to do with paper derivatives of silver. There is no floor or limit to where “the controllers” can place the price of silver.
QUESTION #3: Why are they doing it?
ANSWER: To save the unbacked fiat monetary system. Unless you control the prices of all commodities, especially the monetary metals, an unbacked paper/electronic monetary system will fail in rapid fashion. As such, when the US went off the Gold Standard in the early 1970′s, Alan Greenspan wrote and implemented the original computer market rigging models to PROLONG the acceptance of unbacked fiat money. This was the implementation of the 1960′s economic theory called “On The Road to The Golden Age” by Bertil Näslund which dealt with Nobel Prize winner E. Phelps’s “Golden Rule Theory” of equal capital accumulation. The ultimate conclusion of this theory was to print as much unbacked currency as possible for as long as possible to reap all the rewards before returning to the discipline of a Gold Standard.
QUESTION #4: When will it end?
ANSWER: There’s the $100 Trillion question which actually has a very reasonable answer…The market rigging will end when the benefits of printing unbacked fiat money no longer outweigh the costs. The United States has hit that point as the “Bad Guy” banksters who abuse the system and have practically taken control of the country are in the process of transferring all that “VIRTUAL WEALTH” into their own pockets. Of course in the end THEY are the fools for believing in their own flawed monetary system where paper and electronic blips equals REAL WEALTH! The first attempt at ending the GAME was thwarted by the Bankters in 2008 but don’t despair… The next attempt at crashing the system is right around the corner and we have made SURE that they will not escape this time.
Those are the answers to those 4 very big questions. As for what will happen to the price of silver during the transition to a gold and silver backed monetary system…IT CAN GO ANYWHERE! But in the end it will be FEAR of losing all your virtual wealth that will drive the price of silver to the moon.
Here’s your Silver Pacifier once again:
Your Silver Pacifier
Once again we have to suffer through the idiotic media explanations of WHY silver is falling but once again we will return to silver strength as it is the ONLY way to protect your wealth outside of the rigged game.
Load up the truck with physical silver baby cuz it’s getting exciting again!
May the Road you choose be the Right Road.
Bix Weir


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