Told you to watch out for Manipulation
Here's a good read for you. It's not long. The manipulation of the metals is REAL. But eventually, there won't be any way to hold it back. If you aren't buying,,,,,, you should be. If you're wondering when is a good time,,,,,,,, it's NOW. Check this article out.
Silver spiking once again on the COMEX open, as the cartel attempt to defend $25 (successfully, thus far in COMEX trading) :
*Update: Vertical plunge now in progress- silver breaks $24.40 to the downside

After rallying through $1430 during Asian trading, gold is also regathering for another assault higher early in COMEX trading as the cartel once again puts up their defenses at the $1430 level:

As mentioned in last week’s metals & markets, look for a brief pause around $25.50-$26 in silver and $1450-$1500 in gold as short term traders take profits on the massive move out of early July’s lows. We expect the pause to be just that however- a pause, followed by the resumption of gold and silver’s new bull market run- particularly with a middle east WWIII looming over the market.
Silver Breaks $25…& is Promptly Greeted With Cartel SmashDown
Silver has continued its rally
Wednesday, spiking over .50 through $25 during overnight Asian trading,
and after an LBMA smackdown, is again spiking vertically and knocking on
the door of $25 once again.
*Update: Waterfall decline back towards $24 in progress as the cartel raid Eric Dubin predicted yesterday has materialized
Silver spiking once again on the COMEX open, as the cartel attempt to defend $25 (successfully, thus far in COMEX trading) :
*Update: Vertical plunge now in progress- silver breaks $24.40 to the downside
After rallying through $1430 during Asian trading, gold is also regathering for another assault higher early in COMEX trading as the cartel once again puts up their defenses at the $1430 level:
As mentioned in last week’s metals & markets, look for a brief pause around $25.50-$26 in silver and $1450-$1500 in gold as short term traders take profits on the massive move out of early July’s lows. We expect the pause to be just that however- a pause, followed by the resumption of gold and silver’s new bull market run- particularly with a middle east WWIII looming over the market.
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