I couldn't have said it better myself. PLEASE READ!!!
Folks; you have to read this. It's short. Many of you may have these feelings, so hopefully this will help. Read on.
The answer to many questions often depends upon perspective,
whether the questions are; should I buy silver, is the S&P 500
expensive, is huge and unpayable debt a problem, is another World War a
bad idea, will eating potato chips and candy bars actually damage my
health, and are Republicrats as useless and corrupt as they appear?
Many people have suggested that silver prices are hopeless and silver will never go up. This is an overly emotional perspective caused by 4.5 years of declining silver prices and negative sentiment. Consistent with this “hopeless” assessment are:
Silver: We NEED it!
Many people have suggested that silver prices are hopeless and silver will never go up. This is an overly emotional perspective caused by 4.5 years of declining silver prices and negative sentiment. Consistent with this “hopeless” assessment are:
- If silver prices ever get back to $20, or $30 or $40, I’ll sell and never put money into silver again.
- I bought silver at $30 and now it is near $14 and I have lost money and feel stupid, especially as the S&P has gone up nicely in that time.
- Silver bulls have been saying buy buy buy since whenever and they have been wrong wrong wrong.
- I’m mad as hell and I can’t take it anymore. I’m selling out, taking my losses, and buying stocks.
- If silver ever gets back to $30 I’ll sell. Why? What were your original objectives? Did you buy for short term profit or long term insurance against the massive debt increases and currency devaluations that our politicians and bankers have created and will continue to promote? If you bought for long term insurance your question should revolve around buying more, not selling your insurance.
- You bought at $30 and it is now $14. Warren Buffet might suggest that if it was a good investment at $30, it is a much better investment at $14 and if you think it is a good value, you should buy more, not sell.
- Silver bulls and bears, stock bulls, real estate sales people, and politicians all talk their book. At times they are right, other times wrong. Silver goes up and down, stocks go up and down, and real estate goes up and down. But debt always INCREASES and unbacked fiat currencies always DECREASE in value.
- You are mad as hell and ready to sell out and take your losses. Fine! Do what you want to do.
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