Gold Should be Viewed as Money — Not as an Investment Instrument
An interesting article. Check it out.
by: Thorsten Polleit
On May 4 and 5, 2018, Warren E. Buffett (born 1930) and Charles T. Munger (born 1924), both already legends during their lifetime, held the annual shareholders’ meeting of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Approximately 42,000 visitors gathered in Omaha, Nebraska, to attend the star investors’ Q&A session.
Buffett compared the investment performance of
corporate stocks (productive assets) with that of gold (representing
unproductive assets). USD 10,000 invested in gold in 1942 would have
appreciated to a mere USD 400,000, Buffett said – considerably less than
a stock investment. What do you make of this comparison?

way, gold can help boost the return on investment. Inspired by
Buffett’s return comparison between stocks and gold, and after giving it
some further thought, one might have good reasons to come to at least
the following conclusion: Gold has proven to be the better money, it has
proven itself to be a better store of value than the US dollar or other
fiat currencies.
by: Thorsten Polleit
On May 4 and 5, 2018, Warren E. Buffett (born 1930) and Charles T. Munger (born 1924), both already legends during their lifetime, held the annual shareholders’ meeting of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Approximately 42,000 visitors gathered in Omaha, Nebraska, to attend the star investors’ Q&A session.
Peoples’ enthusiasm is understandable: From 1965 to
2017, Buffett’s Berkshire share achieved an annual average return of
20.9 percent (after tax), while the S&P 500 returned only 9.9
percent (before taxes). Had you invested in Berkshire in 1965, today you
would be pleased to see a total return of 2,404,784 percent: an
investment of USD 1,000 turned into more than USD 24 million (USD
24,048,480, to be exact).
In his introductory words, Buffett pointed out how
important the long-term view is to achieving investment success. For
example, had you invested USD 10,000 in 1942 (the year Buffett bought
his first share) in a broad basket of US equities and had patiently
stood by that decision, you would now own stocks with a market value of
USD 51 million.
With this example, Buffett also reminded the audience
that investments in productive assets such as stocks can considerably
gain in value over time; because in a market economy, companies
typically generate a positive return on the capital employed. The
profits go to the shareholders either as dividends or are reinvested by
the company, in which case the shareholder benefits from the compound
interest effect.
To answer this question, we first need to understand
what gold is from the investor’s point of view. Gold can be classified
as (I) an asset, (II) a commodity, or (III) money. If you consider gold
to be an asset or a commodity, you might indeed raise the question as to
whether you should keep the yellow metal in your investment portfolio.
But when gold is seen as a form of money, Buffett’s
comparison of the performance of stocks and gold misses the point. To
explain, every investor has to make the following decisions: (1) I have
investible funds, and I have to decide how much of it I invest (e.g. in
stocks, bonds, houses, etc.), and how much of it I keep in liquid assets
(cash). (2) Once I have decided to keep X percent in cash, I have to determine which currency to choose: US dollar, euro, Japanese yen, Swiss franc – or “gold money”.
If one agrees with these considerations, one can
arrive now at two conclusions: (1) I do not keep cash, because stocks
offer a higher return than cash. However, many people are unlikely to
follow such a recommendation. They keep at least some liquidity because
they have financial obligations to meet.
People typically also wish to hold liquid means as a
back-up for unforeseen events in the form of money. Money is the most
liquid, most marketable “good”. Anyone who has money can exchange it at
any time – and thus take advantage of investment opportunities that come
up along the way.
(2) I decide to keep at least some cash. Anyone who
has near-term payment obligations in, for example, US dollar, is well
advised to keep sufficient funds in US dollar. Those who opt for holding
money for unexpected liquidity requirements, or for longer-term
liquidity needs, must decide what type of money is suitable for this
purpose. One way to do this is to form an opinion about the respective
currency’s purchasing power.
If Buffett shared this view, a comparison between the
purchasing power of the US dollar and gold would be in order. This
exercise would show that gold – in sharp contrast to the US dollar – has
not only preserved its purchasing power over the past decades but even
increased it.
The Greenback’s purchasing power has dropped
by 84 percent from January 1972 to March 2018. Even taking a short-term
interest rate into account, the US dollar’s purchasing power would show
an increase of no more than 47 percent. The purchasing power of gold,
in contrast, has grown by 394 percent.
The yellow metal has also a remarkable property that
has become increasingly important for investors in recent years. The
reason? The international fiat money system is getting into increasingly
tricky waters – mainly because the world’s already dizzyingly high
level of debt continues to rise. An investor is exposed to risks that
have not existed in the decades before. Gold can help to deal with these
Unlike fiat money, gold cannot be devalued by central
bank monetary policy. It is immune against the printing of ever greater
amounts of money. Furthermore, gold does not carry a risk of default,
or a counterparty risk: Bank deposits and short-term debt securities may
be destroyed by bankruptcies or debt relief. However, none of this
applies to gold: its market value cannot drop to zero.
These two features – protection against currency
devaluation and payment default – explain why people have opted,
whenever they had the freedom to choose, for gold as their preferred
money. Another important aspect at this point: In times of crisis, the
holder of gold – if he or she has not bought it at too high a price –
can have the hope that the value of gold is likely to increase and he or
she can exchange gold for, for instance, shares at a significantly
discounted price
The two-star investors typically do beat around the
bush when it comes to critical comments. For instance, Buffett told his
audience once again that US Treasury bonds are a terrible investment for
long-term investors. With a yield of currently 3 percent for ten-year
US Treasury bonds, the return after tax is around 2.5 percent. With
consumer price inflation currently around two percent,
inflation-adjusted rate of return is just 0.5 percent. Buffett’s message
was unequivocal: do not invest, at least not currently, in bonds.
Those who had hoped that the star investor would make
further critical comments on the deep-seated problems of the US dollar –
which represents a fiat currency with a money supply that can be
increased any time in any amount considered politically expedient – had
hoped in vain. But it cannot have escaped the star investors that it’s
not all sunshine and roses when it comes to the fiat US dollar.
Munger, for example, bluntly stated that central
banks’ low interest rate policies, in response to the 2008/2009
financial crisis, have helped boost stock prices and bring shareholders
windfall profits. Quote Munger in this context: “We are all a bunch of
undeserving people, and I hope we continue to be so”.
Buffett and Munger share a long-term perspective.
They keep pointing to the enormous increase in income that has been
achieved in the US over the last decades. Compared to Buffett’s
childhood days, Americans’ per capita income has increased six-fold – a
most remarkable development (especially so if we factor in that the US
population has grown from 123 million in 1930 to 323 million in 2016).
From Buffett’s and Munger’s point of view, the US
system works, both politically and economically: Everyone has benefited,
the wealth growth of Americans has been much more substantial than for
people elsewhere, and crises have been overcome. The two investors thus
form their assessment – as many do nowadays – on factual findings, based on what the eye can see. Counterfactual outcomes – things that would have happened had a different course of action been chosen – are left out.
If one takes a factual point of view, however, it is
rather difficult to see the dark side of fiat money. For instance, that
fiat money fuels an incessant expansion of the state to the detriment of
civil liberties; the increase of aggressive interventions around the
world, all the wars causing the deaths of millions; the economic and
financial crises with their adverse effects on income and living
conditions of many people; and last but not least, the socially unjust
distribution of income and wealth.
All these bad things would undoubtedly be unthinkable
under a gold-backed US dollar, at least to their current extent. The
objection that the increase in the wealth of the past few decades would
have been impossible without a fiat US dollar does not hold water:
Economically speaking, it is wrong to think that an increase in the
quantity of money, or a politically motivated lowering of the interest
rate, could create prosperity.
If that were the case, why not increase the quantity
of money ten-, hundred-, or thousand-fold right now and thereby
eradicate poverty worldwide? If zero interest rate could create wealth,
why not order central banks to push all interest rates down to
zero immediately? Why not enact a new law that requires zero percent
interest, or abolishes it altogether?
Buffett and Munger have undoubtedly given their
shareholders a great opportunity to escape the vagaries of the fiat
money system, to defend themselves against the central bank-induced
inflation, and to also become wealthy. Unfortunately, however, the
serious economic, social, and political problems that fiat money
inflicts upon societies cannot be solved this way.
For that reason, one should deliberately reflect
Buffett’s return comparison between stocks and gold – and make oneself
aware of the fact that gold can be viewed as a form of money that may
even deserve to be called “the ultimate means of payment.” For the
investor, there are no convincing economic reasons to discourage holding
gold as a form of longer-term liquid funds – especially if the
alternative is fiat money.
This timeless insight was already suggested by
economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) in 1940: “The gold currency has
been criticised for various reasons; it has been reproached for not
being perfect. But nobody is in a position to tell us how something more
satisfactory couId be put in place of the gold currency.”
One bad chapter doesn't mean your story is over.capitalstars13