Is it time for a big move?

 So, for quite a while now, silver and gold have been holding steady on their prices. Roughly $1800 for gold and $22-$23 for silver. But we've been watching the markets act crazy. There's been a lot of fluctuations both high and low. One day......Dow is down 500 points. Next day..... up 300 points.

The market is concerned with the government spending; creating high inflation; $30 trillion in debt; and no real end in sight. The main reason silver and gold have been holding steady, isn't because the comex and others; including the government; can't control it. They are trying to push silver and gold down, but people are getting wise to the markets. People are moving their money. And many who had faux (Paper) silver and gold, are aiming for physical. But anyone reading my blog knows, there is no where near enough physical silver and gold to pay off the contracts. So, what does this mean for the future of silver and gold.

It's pretty obvious. Silver and gold are REAL money. They are a preservation of wealth. It's "exchange rate" (Notice I didn't say it's PRICE) to the dollar will be relative to the cost of living. Let me give you a quick analogy. 100 years ago, a silver dollar; roughly 1 ounce of silver, could buy a person a meal. Today, that same 1 ounce of silver, $22, can buy a person a meal. 100 years ago, an ounce of gold could buy a man the finest of suits, tie, and shoes. Today, that same ounce of gold, $1800, can buy a gentleman a very fine suit, tie, and shoes. In 1964, when coins (dimes, quarters, halves, and dollars) were still made from silver, you could buy a brand new mustang for about $2500. (let's say they were ALL in QUARTERS - that would piss off the salesman). Today.... could you buy a new car for $2500? Hell no. But..... $2500 in 1964 quarters today would be worth: Ready for this?????.................  $39,325, That's equal to 1,787.5 ounces of silver, at $22 per ounce. So... could you buy a new car TODAY for $39,325? You bet your ass you can.

See.... this is what makes silver and gold so "Valuable". You have to stop thinking and looking at things in DOLLARS. That is simply paper, fiat, currency. There's nothing backing it other than "The good faith of the United States Government". So tell me.... how much faith do you have in them? But silver and gold will ALWAYS be worth the same as it always has been for thousands of years. The government TRIED to stop people from owning in in the early 1900's. That didn't go over too well. Then, in the early 1970's, the government realized that the only way that THEY could manage, manipulate, and exploit your taxes, is if they got the country off of the gold standard. This way, they didn't have to be accountable for debt. Prior to the 1970's, the government had to account for every dollar they allocated, with the equal value in gold. Not any longer. Now, they just print what they want.

So.... we're back to my initial questions. What does today's economy, inflation, and the markets mean for the future of silver and gold. The answer is quite simple. It "DOESN'T MATTER". Huh!!!! Mike.... what the HELL are you saying??? Simple. If you have silver and gold, it won't matter if the markets crash and the economy goes into hyper inflation. Silver and gold will adjust accordingly. Actually, way ABOVE accordingly, because currently silver and gold are very much suppressed. Silver SHOULD be around $80-$100 an ounce. Gold should be around $3,000 an ounce. And if the markets crash, and the economy goes hyper inflation, then silver and gold will definitely hit those levels. Probably beyond.

So, am I telling you that you should have all of your savings in silver and gold? No, not at all. The world we live in day to day still uses the US Dollar. (Although, there are a number of states that now ALLOW silver and gold to be used AS CURRENY). That should tell you something. But I am saying that you should own some silver and gold. How much? Depends on what you can do. SOME is better than NONE. Look at your net worth; (Don't include your home, because you have to live some place, and therefor that equity isn't really available for day to day expenses). But looking at the rest of your net worth, I recommend about 10% be in silver and gold. Now obviously, the amount of ounces will depend on when you buy it; did you buy silver or gold; etc. But if you have $50,000 in savings and investments, then have about $5,000 in silver, possibly some gold. If you have $100,000 in savings and investments, make it $10,000. And so on. 

Anyway; hope this helps explain a little and gives you something to think about. Please, pass my blog address on to anyone and everyone you know. I keep my posts, articles, videos, etc. all in the archives. You can go back and look at many different articles. If the government isn't going to be fiscally responsible, and do what they want just to maintain power over people, then WE, THE PEOPLE, need to take back our economy. Start with your personal finances. When you become financially independent, then the government can't control you. They can only control you when you NEED THEM. When you're unemployed, on welfare, on food stamps, in public housing, etc. And that is exactly WHERE they want you. Even if you make a very low wage, you CAN put away 10% of what you bring home each week/month and exchange it for some silver or gold. This is your savings for the future. It will have the same buying power in 10, 20, 30 years from now that it has today. Put $100 in your dresser. In 10 years, even 5, it won't be able to buy what it can today. But put 5 ounces of silver in the dresser ($110 current dollars) and if you could "X" about of peanuts today, you'll be able to buy the SAME AMOUNT of peanuts in 5, 10, 15 years. That might not sound like you're "Making interest". But you are. The 1,2,3% you could HOPE FOR TODAY with a CD won't even cover the cost of inflation. But silver and gold will.

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