Silver is above $30. Will it keep going?

 Well friends, I told you silver and gold were going to take off. The democrats "Biden" really have the economy screwed up and people don't know where it's safe to keep their money.  (We know silver and gold are ALWAYS a great place to keep money. Silver and gold are for PRESERVATION of wealth, not as an investment).

Anyway, the big question is; "Where to next"? There will be some who think it's reached it's high. MOST of us who have been doing this for a long time believe there is a lot more to come. Why? The economy isn't in good shape; inflation is high; because of the military conflicts the dollar isn't doing that great. Also, in the industrial world, silver is really needed. Especially for solar panels, medical, and electronics. 

The current $30 an ounce is a significant number. If it stay at or above $30, then that price becomes "SUPPORT" instead of "RESISTANCE". If it stays at or above $30 for a bit, I believe it's going to take off. Just like in the 2011-2012 period when the price was between $30 and $50.

Check out the video below. The Morgan report: "Silver Broke $30... Where do we go from here"?

The most important part of the video is NOT about the price. It's about the "Purchasing power" of silver and gold. That's what this is all about. Silver MAINTAINS its purchasing power. In the early 1900's an ounce of silver could buy a person a very good/nice meal. Today, that same 1 ounce of silver "$30" will still buy you a decent meal. (Unless you go to McDonalds. Hey Hey). Anyway, check out the video.




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