WOLF in Sheep's Clothing???
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There's been a lot of talk on the internet, television commercials, magazines, radio, and other sources talking about investing in Silver and Gold. Now many of you might think that this is a good thing. In some parts, yes. It's making more people aware. But here's where the "Wolf" is disguising himself. Except in blogs, like this one, and some other youtube videos and newsletters, almost none of the promotions for buying silver and gold are emphasizing that you buy "PHYSICAL METALS". Why is this? Simple...... they just want your money. They are promoting buying silver and gold for your IRA's; buying silver "Stock" like "SLV". Silver and Gold ETF's. Mining shares. etc. But NONE of these allow you to physically hold the silver and gold in your hands and store it with you.
There are 2 extremes in the advertizing. Of course, you have the "Nay Sayers." My favorite "Stupid" saying is that you SHOULDN'T buy silver and gold. One of the main reasons is because you can't eat it, can't wear it, can't use it for shelter, etc. That in a time of economic turmoil, it's useless to you. Well guess what; you can't eat, wear, or shelter with "Dollars, Euro's, or Yen" either. You can't do any of that with stocks, bonds, or other paper certificates. So let's throw that crap out the window right now. If anyone tries to tell you that you shouldn't buy silver and gold, they are simply ignorant idiots.
But what about those all over the news, tv, internet, magazines, etc. who are telling you that you should buy silver and gold..... BUT in stock, IRA's, trusts, etc. These individuals simply want to "Make Money" off of you. It is no different than them trying to sell you stock in Apple Corp or an IRA or mutual fund in LargeCap funds. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should be invested in a 401K, Mutual Fund, IRA, etc. I myself am invested in numerous things. I also don't think you should invest everything in one area. That's why I've never suggested buying ONLY Silver and Gold. You should be "Well Diverse". But we're talking about those trying to sell you silver and gold via these "PAPER VENUES"; instead of Physical Silver and Gold. They aren't advertizing because they care about you and they are looking out for your future. They know that the economies aren't doing so well. That paper currencies aren't backed by anything and are losing value. And that precious metals is a smart investment. Unfortunately, they don't make any money from you if you buy PHYSICAL Silver and Gold. But they do make a percentage each month that you buy Silver and Gold IRA or Mutual Funds.
Just so you know, 1st, there isn't enough physical silver and gold in the world to cover the PAPER silver and gold supposedly sold and help. 2nd; if you try and convert the Paper Silver/Gold into the physical that you can hold, they don't have to give it to you immediately. Worst case scenario, look at the country of Germany. They've stored the bulk of their gold in the United States. In the last year, they've requested that it be returned to them. The united states says it may take up to 7 years to return it. Basically, they don't have it. The central banks and governments loan silver and gold back and forth all the time; continually. Imagine an economic crisis and everyone went to their local bank and tried to withdraw their entire savings accounts. That's called a "Run on the banks". The banks would shut their doors and the government would say that you have to wait. Why??? Because the bank doesn't have all your money. They loan it out to others for mortgages, car loans, etc. Now, take this and combine it with MORE Paper Silver being available than the physical can cover, and you have a problem.
If you look at some recent charts about how MORE people are wanting physical silver and gold over paper, you'll see recently that more physical silver and gold has been bought than the paper. That's fine and all, but what is backing the paper? Some will say that the COMEX has the physical silver to back the paper. The truth is, they don't have enough. No where near enough.
Remember, don't ever believe that the "Price of Silver" EVER goes up or down. It DOESN'T!!! It's the value of the DOLLAR, EURO, YEN, and other currencies that are going up and down. Now, there's a lot of reasons for silver and gold prices to go up and down. Sometimes supply and demand affect it. That's especially true with silver. Unlike Gold which is primarily used for jewelry and investing, silver has a much larger industrial use for it. This, plus investors, can change the supply and demand, thus effecting the price. But NORMALLY, the price of silver and gold, when NOT MANIPULATED, is affected mainly by the strength or weakness of the paper fiat currencies.
This is why silver and gold are "INSURANCE POLICIES". In 1963, gasoline was about $0.25 per gallon. Today, not counting recent oil crash prices, gasoline was around the $3.00 per gallon price. Guess how much a 1963 American Washing Quarter is worth???? Approximately $3.00. Silver and gold HOLD THEIR VALUE!!! That's why you want it. Because economies change faster than your paycheck can change. Prices change faster than that raise you get from work. (If you still have a job). Because of this, you can use silver and gold to purchase items at a discount. You can use silver and gold to reduce debt. You can use silver and gold as an investment to speculate and make money. You can also use it as an Insurance Policy to "COVER" the change of prices due to inflation; BEFORE having to liquidate your savings account, 401K, IRA, etc. because your pay and income hasn't caught up to the economic changes.
But how does this tie in with buying silver and gold in your IRA, 401K, ETF, Stocks, etc. If there is an economic crisis, do you honestly believe you'll be able to get the PHYSICAL Silver or Gold that someone is supposedly holding for you with paper? The government can say: "It's your RETIREMENT account; you can't have it". Maybe they confiscate your IRA's, 401K, savings, etc. This happened in Greece.
The point is, if you CAN'T HOLD IT..... You DON'T OWN IT!!!! Ok, so you're a little nervous about having 500 ounces of silver or 10 ounces of gold in your house. Maybe a LOT MORE than that. I understand your concerns. But let's be honest. If you're buying silver and gold (physical); and you're OUT OF DEBT like I always suggest first, (That's your greatest investment in time of economic turmoil); then chances are that you probably are financially stable. Meaning, you aren't living on minimum wage, food stamps, and government assistance. Chances are, you are living comfortably. Which means, you probably have some other important assets you'd like to protect at home. Jewelry, Passports, birth certificates, insurance documents, guns, other valuables. In other words,. maybe you should buy a safe. Get a decent safe that you can bolt to the floor or wall, keep hidden, and protect from robbery or natural disasters like fires. Then you'll have a place to also store your silver/gold. Obviously, that's not always an option. Maybe you live in an apartment and can't put in a safe that you can bolt down. Maybe there's no hiding place to put a safe. Well, my daughter has a bit of silver and gold, and she stores it at my house in my safes. If you don't have someone that you can trust, think about being creative. You might think that a safety deposit box is safe. Guess what, that can be frozen just the same as a bank account. But maybe that is better than nothing. This is true. If it's a choice of buying Silver stocks, ETF, 401k, IRA or buying physical and putting it in a safety deposit box..... I'd choose the safety deposit box. But definitely only as a last resort, short term, until I could arrange for my own storage at home.
So stay away from all the hype on tv, internet, magazines, etc. about putting silver and gold in your IRA, 401K, mutual funds, stocks, ETF, etc. If you can't hold it in your hands and look at it at home, then it doesn't count. Are there risks of being robbed at home? Yes. But I think the risk is smaller than the government or private holding company seizing or not giving you back your silver and gold that's in "Paper Form".
There's been a lot of talk on the internet, television commercials, magazines, radio, and other sources talking about investing in Silver and Gold. Now many of you might think that this is a good thing. In some parts, yes. It's making more people aware. But here's where the "Wolf" is disguising himself. Except in blogs, like this one, and some other youtube videos and newsletters, almost none of the promotions for buying silver and gold are emphasizing that you buy "PHYSICAL METALS". Why is this? Simple...... they just want your money. They are promoting buying silver and gold for your IRA's; buying silver "Stock" like "SLV". Silver and Gold ETF's. Mining shares. etc. But NONE of these allow you to physically hold the silver and gold in your hands and store it with you.
There are 2 extremes in the advertizing. Of course, you have the "Nay Sayers." My favorite "Stupid" saying is that you SHOULDN'T buy silver and gold. One of the main reasons is because you can't eat it, can't wear it, can't use it for shelter, etc. That in a time of economic turmoil, it's useless to you. Well guess what; you can't eat, wear, or shelter with "Dollars, Euro's, or Yen" either. You can't do any of that with stocks, bonds, or other paper certificates. So let's throw that crap out the window right now. If anyone tries to tell you that you shouldn't buy silver and gold, they are simply ignorant idiots.
But what about those all over the news, tv, internet, magazines, etc. who are telling you that you should buy silver and gold..... BUT in stock, IRA's, trusts, etc. These individuals simply want to "Make Money" off of you. It is no different than them trying to sell you stock in Apple Corp or an IRA or mutual fund in LargeCap funds. Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you should be invested in a 401K, Mutual Fund, IRA, etc. I myself am invested in numerous things. I also don't think you should invest everything in one area. That's why I've never suggested buying ONLY Silver and Gold. You should be "Well Diverse". But we're talking about those trying to sell you silver and gold via these "PAPER VENUES"; instead of Physical Silver and Gold. They aren't advertizing because they care about you and they are looking out for your future. They know that the economies aren't doing so well. That paper currencies aren't backed by anything and are losing value. And that precious metals is a smart investment. Unfortunately, they don't make any money from you if you buy PHYSICAL Silver and Gold. But they do make a percentage each month that you buy Silver and Gold IRA or Mutual Funds.
Just so you know, 1st, there isn't enough physical silver and gold in the world to cover the PAPER silver and gold supposedly sold and help. 2nd; if you try and convert the Paper Silver/Gold into the physical that you can hold, they don't have to give it to you immediately. Worst case scenario, look at the country of Germany. They've stored the bulk of their gold in the United States. In the last year, they've requested that it be returned to them. The united states says it may take up to 7 years to return it. Basically, they don't have it. The central banks and governments loan silver and gold back and forth all the time; continually. Imagine an economic crisis and everyone went to their local bank and tried to withdraw their entire savings accounts. That's called a "Run on the banks". The banks would shut their doors and the government would say that you have to wait. Why??? Because the bank doesn't have all your money. They loan it out to others for mortgages, car loans, etc. Now, take this and combine it with MORE Paper Silver being available than the physical can cover, and you have a problem.
If you look at some recent charts about how MORE people are wanting physical silver and gold over paper, you'll see recently that more physical silver and gold has been bought than the paper. That's fine and all, but what is backing the paper? Some will say that the COMEX has the physical silver to back the paper. The truth is, they don't have enough. No where near enough.
Remember, don't ever believe that the "Price of Silver" EVER goes up or down. It DOESN'T!!! It's the value of the DOLLAR, EURO, YEN, and other currencies that are going up and down. Now, there's a lot of reasons for silver and gold prices to go up and down. Sometimes supply and demand affect it. That's especially true with silver. Unlike Gold which is primarily used for jewelry and investing, silver has a much larger industrial use for it. This, plus investors, can change the supply and demand, thus effecting the price. But NORMALLY, the price of silver and gold, when NOT MANIPULATED, is affected mainly by the strength or weakness of the paper fiat currencies.
This is why silver and gold are "INSURANCE POLICIES". In 1963, gasoline was about $0.25 per gallon. Today, not counting recent oil crash prices, gasoline was around the $3.00 per gallon price. Guess how much a 1963 American Washing Quarter is worth???? Approximately $3.00. Silver and gold HOLD THEIR VALUE!!! That's why you want it. Because economies change faster than your paycheck can change. Prices change faster than that raise you get from work. (If you still have a job). Because of this, you can use silver and gold to purchase items at a discount. You can use silver and gold to reduce debt. You can use silver and gold as an investment to speculate and make money. You can also use it as an Insurance Policy to "COVER" the change of prices due to inflation; BEFORE having to liquidate your savings account, 401K, IRA, etc. because your pay and income hasn't caught up to the economic changes.
But how does this tie in with buying silver and gold in your IRA, 401K, ETF, Stocks, etc. If there is an economic crisis, do you honestly believe you'll be able to get the PHYSICAL Silver or Gold that someone is supposedly holding for you with paper? The government can say: "It's your RETIREMENT account; you can't have it". Maybe they confiscate your IRA's, 401K, savings, etc. This happened in Greece.
The point is, if you CAN'T HOLD IT..... You DON'T OWN IT!!!! Ok, so you're a little nervous about having 500 ounces of silver or 10 ounces of gold in your house. Maybe a LOT MORE than that. I understand your concerns. But let's be honest. If you're buying silver and gold (physical); and you're OUT OF DEBT like I always suggest first, (That's your greatest investment in time of economic turmoil); then chances are that you probably are financially stable. Meaning, you aren't living on minimum wage, food stamps, and government assistance. Chances are, you are living comfortably. Which means, you probably have some other important assets you'd like to protect at home. Jewelry, Passports, birth certificates, insurance documents, guns, other valuables. In other words,. maybe you should buy a safe. Get a decent safe that you can bolt to the floor or wall, keep hidden, and protect from robbery or natural disasters like fires. Then you'll have a place to also store your silver/gold. Obviously, that's not always an option. Maybe you live in an apartment and can't put in a safe that you can bolt down. Maybe there's no hiding place to put a safe. Well, my daughter has a bit of silver and gold, and she stores it at my house in my safes. If you don't have someone that you can trust, think about being creative. You might think that a safety deposit box is safe. Guess what, that can be frozen just the same as a bank account. But maybe that is better than nothing. This is true. If it's a choice of buying Silver stocks, ETF, 401k, IRA or buying physical and putting it in a safety deposit box..... I'd choose the safety deposit box. But definitely only as a last resort, short term, until I could arrange for my own storage at home.
So stay away from all the hype on tv, internet, magazines, etc. about putting silver and gold in your IRA, 401K, mutual funds, stocks, ETF, etc. If you can't hold it in your hands and look at it at home, then it doesn't count. Are there risks of being robbed at home? Yes. But I think the risk is smaller than the government or private holding company seizing or not giving you back your silver and gold that's in "Paper Form".
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