Why Silver is being Chopped down

Hey there. You've heard me tell you all of the manipulation happening in silver and gold. You've also heard me tell you that you need to be LONG on silver. Meaning, you need to buy it and be able to hold it. Because, IT WILL GO UP. And when it does, it's going to be amazing.

Remember, silver can be bought for investing, or to protect your wealth, or to reduce debt and buy items cheaply. Or, for the uber-stacker who thinks the economy and the dollar are going to hell in a hand basket. Whatever your reason, you should be buying silver; and some gold.

DON'T let the prices dropping scare you or depress you. EMBRACE IT!!!! You have the opportunity to buy silver and gold at very low prices. And with silver to gold ratio sitting around 75:1 , you definitely need to have silver. Of course, if you think precious metals don't mean anything, and they can go down to $0.00, then you obviously aren't going to buy. Then again, you probably aren't reading my blog either. Silver is heavily needed for industrial purposes. It's also needed for personal use. India alone imports a major percentage of all produced silver. Silver is also a great hedge against a weak currency and protecting your wealth. It's all there. Whatever your reason, you need to have some silver and gold. And NOW is a great time to buy.

Anyway, here is a video that explains why the price of silver has been attacked recently. More importantly, why it's going to go up. Check it out. It's a great video.



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