21 Incredible Uses For Silver

I have mentioned numerous times about the many, many industrial uses of Silver. And because of these uses; and the FACT THAT SILVER IS A LIMITED RESOURCE, the price of silver is destined to skyrocket. The main difference between silver and gold, is that gold is mainly used for investments and jewelry. And because of the price of gold, the few times it is used for industrial purposes, it can be recycled. But silver, because of the price is never really recycled. Not since the days of Photographic film developing. Now, with digital photography, developing isn't used as much. But even without that, there isn't much recycling. So the DEMAND for silver will continue to rise, but it will require NEW MINING for new silver. And as the supply of mined silver is reduced, the price is going to go through the roof. Because in time, even the silver you are stacking, will be needed so it can be melted down and USED for industrial uses.

Anyway; here is a great video with 21 industrial uses of silver. The list isn't complete, but it gives you a great idea on why you should have silver.



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